
Find statistics about alcohol-related offences in your area

The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) provide crime, harm and social statistics that can be used when making a submission. You can find this data using the Crime Tool on the BOCSAR website. You can adjust the settings on the Crime Tool to search at a Local Government/individual suburb level and compare the same crime indicators with the equivalent NSW average rates. The BOCSAR site also allows the reproduction of this information in various table, maps and useful graphs.

Download an example BOCSAR Crime Tool report.

Find statistics about alcohol-related hospitalisations in your area

The Health Statistics NSW site provides alcohol-related health data that can be used when making a submission. Statistics on alcohol-related hospitalisations and alcohol-related deaths can be found for each local government area in NSW. You can find this data by looking for ‘alcohol’ under the topic list. This information can be downloaded in tables and graphs for your use.

You can also contact your Local Health District to see if they have further information specific to your area.

Get a snap shot of the profile of your community

The Australian Bureau of Statistics provides information on communities in NSW using the Community Profile Tool. The Community Profile Tool provides useful statistics for each community relating to ages, family demographics and much more. The information available on the Community Profile Tool can be useful when making a submission. To find your Community Profile simply type your postcode into the search function on the website.

You might also find our Research reports section useful.

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